Movement Workshop





Monday, 24 July to Friday, 28 July 2023

A five-day in-depth set of sensory based movement technique classes that takes the actor out of their  ‘thinking head’ and helps them find a better connection between mind and body. Over the course of the week we will explore all five senses and how they affect our movement and and allow us to be present as a performer. We will apply techniques such as, Laban efforts, animal and element studies, as well as various ways to transform physically into character. Working on individual and partner work we will encourage a sense of freedom of play within the body as we  expand our practical approaches to acting. Many of these techniques  are based on ideas from Lloyd Williamson, Yoshi Oida, and Sanford Meisner.

All movement classes are taught by Jack Hesketh. Jack is an acting and movement specialist that has led classes for both aspiring, as well as professional actors already working in the industry. With over a decade of experience in training actors, as well as being an actor himself, Jack’s professional work has taken him all over the world working on both stage and screen. Jack's approach to learning is focused on the individual, and how each actor's approach to acting can differ from person to person. Using techniques and devices that take the actor out of their “thinking head” Jack helps the actor refocus their energy into their body, allowing the actor to become more aware of the images they create for both stage and screen. 

The course runs every day from Monday 24th to Friday 28th July from 10am-1pm at Theatre Deli-London (with the Thursday session online). Due to the popularity of the April workshop, we anticipate that places will book up quickly so get in touch ASAP to register your interest


Please apply for the The Actor's Movement Intensive Workshop by completing our application form.

Once we have received your form, we will arrange a free no-obligation online consultation. During this consultation, we will discuss how the key highlights of the class as well as answer any questions you may have.

PLEASE NOTE: Places on this course is limited. If interested, we highly recommend you book your place as soon as possible.



Monday, 24 July to Friday, 28 July 2023

The Actor's Movement Intensive Workshop will run from 10:00 to 13:00 each day. All classes will take place at Theatre Deli - London, save for the Thursday class which will take place online.

Monday, 24 July: Introduction to movement, establishing connection to space and bodies. We explore the sensory based technique on day one, working with each sense and how it influences movement and being receptive as an actor

Tuesday, 25 July: Laban efforts. Beginning with learning the framework of the efforts and then exploring the efforts in the space. Then taking those techniques into developing improvisational scenes

Wednesday, 26 July: Working on element work and exploring the fundamental journey through earth, wind, water and fire.

Thursday, 27 July: Online Day with zoom slot with each participant to offer movement feedback and areas to work and focus on.

Friday, 28 July: Working with text with either a monologue or duologue, we take everything learned over the week and implement that onto the text.


Follow this link for more information on fees and payment, including how to pay and our payment policies.

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